In keeping with his mission to find nomadic peoples, Guillaume Dulude, Ph.D., goes to meet the OvoHimbas, known as the “begging people ”. They move between Kaokoland, an arid region in northern Namibia, and the Kunene River, on the border with Angola. The OvoHimbas have kept their ancestral language and they refuse modernity. They also practice hunting. Social roles within the tribe are very traditional, and the role of women is of utmost importance. They do not wash themselves, but rather bathe in herbal smoke.
Le feu sacré constitue le cœur du village. Il est maintenu allumé en permanence et il symbolise les ancêtres du village qui protègent la tribu. Dans le campement appelé le « kraal », les huttes forment un cercle et les animaux y circulent librement. Guillaume constatera qu’il peut être périlleux d’aller chercher de l’eau. La rivière est bondée de crocodiles! Il sera également témoin de rituels ancestraux peu communs.