Je Suis un Chercheur D’Or
Success and solidarity with dynamic consciousness
By Guillaume Dulude - PhD. Psychology

Communication is not a given. It is a training based on specific factors, the very ones that change the course of human interactions and mark a new chapter in the building of human collaboration.
We want to communicate. We know that we need each other. We know that we have to work in teams. We want to collaborate. We want to influence. We want better, stronger, more sustainable relationships.
Nevertheless, we are not quite there yet. We consume trainings, online videos, conferences on personal development and communication techniques.
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For several years now, the field of human communication has been saturated. Methods are multiplying, but hardly achieve different, tangible and sustainable results.
It is interesting to note that, for a large number of human activities, it is easy to perceive the impact of learning or mastering a technique. For example, an athlete will measurably improve his or her performance time following rigorous training with precise and well-directed exercises. Human or social skills are not understood and taught with the same precision and clarity, which may explain their lack of character.
Neuropsychology and experimental psychology have identified cognitive and behavioral mechanisms directly related to interpersonal communication. However, there still seems to be a significant gap between this new scientific knowledge and how to use it concretely in our daily communications. This book offers concepts, strategies and new applied variables to significantly increase the effectiveness of all our human interactions.
What are the real processes in our control that generate effectiveness in our conversations? How do we use our main instrument, our brain? These questions are the basis of the method proposed in this book and the ones that open up whole new dimensions in the field of human communication.
This book aims to present an innovative vision of the variables of interpersonal communication, which are common to all human beings, regardless of their culture, language, social or religious context.
This book challenges several paradigms of psychology, as well as other methods of communication and beliefs about communication.
The research of Guillaume Dulude PhD represents the future of social interaction development and his method is a significant advance in interpersonal communication and human development in general.
Ultimately, this method aims to allow access to the talent of communication so that humans can finally give themselves permission and courage to materialize the relationships, projects and dreams that inhabit them.